Create a Link Button using Template Field. Create an event of link button- Steps- 1. Select the Grid View. 2. Go to source. 3. Create the Event 'OnClick' in Link Button's attribute. 4. Create the Event of link button in code window- protected void send_click(object sender, EventAgrs e) { // activate the control GridViewRow gr1 = ((LinkButton)sender.NamingContainer as GridViewRow; // find control LinkButton l1 = (LinkButton) gr1.FindControl("lb1"); ; Session["name"] = gr1.Cells[0].Text; Session["amu"] = gr1.Cells[1].Text; Response.Redirect("NextPage.aspx"); } 2. We have to call the Session in the page_load event of NextPage- protected void Page_load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = (string) Session["name"]; Label2.Text = (string) Session["amu"]; }